
ARTiculation Competition 2015, The Roche Court Educational Trust

By 21/01/2015 No Comments

There were 10 girls from different schools presenting on a variety of subjects from Rembrandt and Vermeer to Damian Hirst and Cindy Sherman. The adjudicator was Dr Alexander Sturgis, Director of the oldest museum in the world, the Ashmolean in Oxford. Although Anna did not win the heat, she said she really enjoyed presenting and meeting the other competitors. Dr Sturgis complemented her on her elegant presentation of the work, incorporating details that one can easily miss, presenting such a complex work from start to finish within the ten minutes. He said that it was no easy task taking on such a work and presenting it with such clarity. The Director of the Roche Court Educational Trust, Lucy Salisbury, told Anna she was a very competent and engaging speaker, popular with the audience for her detailed and informative talk on The Garden of Earthly Delights and that she was a wonderful competitor. Well done Anna!