
Talk by Dr JoAnn Deak

By 11/12/2014 No Comments

Dr Deak synthesised years of neurological research and in an inspiring talk not only informed us of the infinite capacity of the brain for growth but also demonstrated an ideal brain-friendly lesson in the space of an hour.

Dr Deak began with a discussion of the brain and its functions with a practical demonstration upon a ‘willing’ volunteer, Mrs Heywood. The key premise is that the elasticity of brain tissues means that during adolescence is the time to ensure your skills are as stretched as they can be. This was demonstrated through the metaphor of elastic bands. In some areas, we are all born with stronger bands which are natural strengths but it is the focus upon the weaker which is essential. This means that the essential qualities in order to achieve potential are not talents, but rather the grit and character to persevere especially through those times we regard as difficult. Deliberate practise of those areas will lead to greater success. Dr Deak gave the example of the musical instrument where when a child finds it difficult, they want to stop. Actually, they need to continue as the skills inherent in playing an instrument are incredibly valuable for the brain as a whole and therefore the accomplishment and self esteem of the individual.

This core message was delivered through lively interactive exchanges with the audience as Dr Deak also demonstrated for the staff the essential tenets of input, processing and output or ‘brain friendly learning’. The information was input to the audience, who were then all expected to come up with a question, demonstrating the processing element of the lesson. Finally, as the girls were asked for their questions, output was the focus. All in bursts of twenty minutes as this has been shown to be most beneficial for the brain and assimilation of material.

A lively thoughtful and inspirational talk which left the girls talking about their long and short bands, Dr Deak certainly made a mark upon Heathfield and we count ourselves fortunate to have had the opportunity to hear her message.

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