
Study Skills Session

By 02/10/2014 No Comments

In the morning the Lower Sixth had an Independent Learning Conference where they learnt professional methods of taking notes, skim reading and scanning for information and resource techniques. Feedback from the girls was very positive with comments like:

‘It was useful in determining what I can take from it and use for improving my personal study skills’

‘Very interactive and action packed. It was useful, especially in condensing text’

‘Speed reading skills, time management and effective note taking – I liked how you gave us an idea of what note taking will be like in uni’

In the afternoon it was the turn of the Fourth Form to learn about revision techniques in Maximising Success. This workshop was packed full of revision strategies for their exams and assessments which the girls found very helpful. Their feedback was equally positive and included the following comments: ‘It helped me learn how to revise effectively. Also, the interactive things were fun – it was good that we got to try them out’

‘It taught me a lot of new techniques, which ones are best for me and how to do them. Couldn’t be improved – it was fun, productive and I learnt a lot!’

‘The way you explained the different ways to revise. How you got us involved with singing and activities and the booklet’

‘I thought that it was very interesting and I feel like I will be able to revise a lot more easily now’

‘I loved how it was so interactive, fun and super useful!’

A very successful day for all the girls and lots of useful strategies and techniques to help with their learning. Who could ask for more?