
Who ‘killed’ Heathfield’s Director of Boarding?

By 24/09/2014 No Comments

Suddenly a gunshot was fired and Mrs Heywood ran into the Assembly Hall with her hands covered in blood shouting “Someone has killed Liz!” After the initial shock had passed, the Form III girls became the forensic scene detectives. Liz was found ‘dead’ at the scene with a ‘gunshot injury to her head’ in her office. Alongside the pools of blood on the floor there were blood foot prints and a bullet hole through a pillow. The window in Liz’s office was open: could this have been the escape route? The ‘murder’ weapon was on the floor and there was a bottle of ‘whiskey’ on the table. All of the girls analysed the crime scene and photos were taken. The girls then used their next few science lessons, using forensics to identify the ‘murderer’.


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