

By 03/09/2014 No Comments

Upon arrival, suspicions were confirmed as we arrived (no surprise) at a lake. Disembarking from the minibus we were told, to our horror, that it would be best to change into wetsuits, unless you didn’t mind getting your clothes wet. Not surprisingly, the Lower Sixth pulled the look off with ease as many pictures would prove. Moving (with difficulty) towards the lake, we each carried a paddle and began in our groups to build our rafts. Through our struggle of building, sitting on and desperately trying not to fall off our rafts, our teambuilding was without a doubt second to none. With cries of “paddle!” and “if you splash me I’ll kill you!” we managed to race successfully from one side of the lake to the other without too many injuries and friendships still intact. We were reasonably dry, until we were told to swap rafts in the middle of the lake. With as much skill and grace as we could muster we managed (somehow) to swap rafts without too many casualties. Our mission to stay dry, however, faltered to say the least. After our experience in the lake, we changed into our (now slightly damp) clothes and prepared for our next challenge. Splitting into groups again, we played games, which consisted of passing a ball and simultaneously trying to walk on wooden boards. All in all, it was a really successful teambuilding day, as the Lower Sixth returned to warm showers, which no one could doubt we had earned.